drunk dials.
The phone rings. What is your ring tone?
** depends upon the caller but usually its Forever by Damage, the for anybody tone however is One Piece OBB
2. Did you go anywhere yesterday?
** San jUan de Dios Hospital and SM Manila aside from the office ofcourse
3. Who was the last person you shared beds with?
** Leia
4. Favorite drink?
** Milo
5. Does the person you like know that you like him/her?
** Yes
6. Last time you talked to your mom?
** This morning
7. Where are you right now?
** office
9. Favorite gadget in the kitchen?
** ahm actually nothing in particular
10. Favorite pie?
** peach mango hihi jabee
11. How is your hair?
** curly
12. Where's the last place you walked to?
** lamayan
13. Last song you listened?
. Christmas in our hearts by my officemates
14. Who is the last person you held hands with?
** Rommel
15. What are you doing?
** answering this survey and writing an article for the office
16. Have you been in a car accident?
** Nope
17. What is the last thing you said aloud?
** Ay
18. Who's the 1st person on your missed calls list?
** ROmmel
19. What was the last text message you received say?
** "Magsapin ka sa likod ah :) from rommel
21. Story behind your MYSPACE song?
** wala akong song sa Myspace eh
22. What's bothering you right now?
** I'm in need of change
** pink and long
** both slide phones and both a gift from Rommel
** is catharsis
26.Doing this weekend to come?
** will get ready for my trip to Bohol
** marroon trench coat
** ahmmm
29.Listening to?
** sound of my keyboard while i'm typing
30.What do you smell?
** forever mine by johnsons and johnsons hehe
31.Do you sleep naked?
** nope
32.Do you like seafood?
** sana but seafoods dont like me "i hate allergies"
33.Do you remember your dreams?
** yes
34.Do you consider yourself a study freak?
** ahmm sometimes
35.Do you speak another language other than English?
** tagalog and trying to study japanese
36.What did you do last night?
** sing for the dead, see the doctor and replaced my shoes
37.What do you hate?
** cough and colds
38.Orange or apple juice?
** orange
39.Who were the last people you went out to lunch with?
** LAy, Aia, Denise and Apol
40.last thing you ate?
** PikNIk Ketchup fries
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