Written for Metropost Magazine distributed in coffee shops nationwide like UCC.
How to get over your EX in 10 days…
By Pia Lorraine V. Yater
The unrelenting cycle of love and pain.
As romantics put it pain is as inevitable as love. We all go through breakups, and they can be rough and tough for some and straightforward for others. But generally heartbreaks are major mood deflators and ego droppers.
Surely heartaches are unavoidable but it’s curable so here’s a ten-day guide of coping up after the break up.
Day 1
Rethink the issues and problems raised only to learn from them. But don’t ever blame yourself. Don’t act like everything was your fault. Just analyze and accept.
Its fair to be angry – you have to release you emotions anyway so why not deal with it in your own way, cry or scream for a day. Set that deadline, follow it and don’t over do it. Just let go of the tension and wash away the sadness it will do you good.
Day 2
Accept the pain. Once you’ve let it all up, its time for acceptance. Think about the times when you still don’t know him or her, this will remind you that you’ve live without him/her then you can certainly continue even without your ex partners presence.
Day 3
Talk to your family and friends. They are a good source of guidance and support. You need people that will remind you that you should love yourself more.
Day 4
Take a moment. Take a moment to unwind and be calm, talk to somebody you trust and feel good about yourself. Its torture to stay in a non-healthy relationship and bear in mind that being with the wrong person is worst than undergoing the pain of breakup.
Day 5
Clean up. Remove all mementos of his/her existence in your life. Keeping the things of your ex will only slow down the healing process. Think in the positive perspective you’ll soon be filling your closet of things from your next partner anyway so make way and be ready.
Day 6
Stay active. It’s scientifically proven that exercise perk up mood. Use this hobby as a diversion to keep your mind off the pain.
Day 7
Find happiness. Indulge in other activities that entertain you or start something new that can lift your mind off your worries and pain. Read a book; learn a new sport or travel and splurge if you must, pampering yourself will keep you moving on. There are many things to explore today so don’t miss out your chance to connect with the world and experience the beauty of life.
Day 8
Look good. Being loveless doesn’t mean you’ll forget about your own looks and appearance. Feel good about yourself and remember there are many fishes in the sea to look forward to.
Day 9
Let go. Accept that it’s pointless to be bitter or regretful. You may had a happy relationship with this past affair but since things didn’t work out good there’s still someone who’s meant for you, waiting to be found.
Day 10
Be optimistic. Now that you’re single, you get to find new people to hang out with. Don’t be afraid to love again, change for the better and always be true to yourself.
Along the way, you’ll also find these helpful hints will make you survive your misery.
Keep your distance – never contact your ex by any means, no emails, no calls, no unexpected visits and never stalk.
Refrain from checking his personal site - e.g. friendster, facebook or myspace if you think you’d be tempted to do so, use firewalls and blocksite that allows you to block the URL to that profile. The lesser you know about him or her the more chance you have for a speedy recovery.
Never take back your decision – On no account will you use your loneliness as a catalyst to take back what’s already said and finalized. If you overly romanticized the good times you shared it will only make you pity yourself for being alone so try not to dwell on these happy but PAST thoughts or memories.
1 comment:
:) ganda po, nice blog, na publish na pala to sa magazine :) galing
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