The change that I was praying for is finally taking its shape. After working 4 years for CITEM, I am now geared towards another direction. Thanks CITEM for all the learning's and experiences and for the people and friends whom I met through you. :) Thank You.
On january 17, new things will be coming my way.
*a new office - Alphabet Media here I come! :)
*new route. will be taking the Ayala route now :)
*will meet new exciting friends :)
but of course I will also be saying a sad farewell to any things I have been used to for the past four years.
*goodbye to my old computer. it may be old literally old and slow but it still aided me with my writings. (This is my last blog that will be posted through you, my old but trusty computer)
*goodbye to my homey office and relaxing chair.
*byebye JO's and monitoring forms.
But to my friends, I will not say goodbye to you I know that we will still see a lot of each other. but let me tell you that spending more than 8 hours of my day everyday with you has been a blast especially with my Publicity girls - Apol, El-ey, Denise and Aia and multimedia girls shally nd Tin.
ATe luz, kuya dindo and the rest of code, Mamu as a kind but strict mentor, Sir jun, Kuya myk and Kuya roni and to everybody else in CITEM, likewise to those who have gone ahead of me, Ms. IRmz, faye, ramnel, kuya percy and kuya reyman
Thank you po. Lets keep in touch.

my last lunch with them as a CITEM employee :)